Super computer Predicted Premier League table,where Arsenal, Liverpool and Man city will finish this season. - sportupdate
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Super computer Predicted Premier League table,where Arsenal, Liverpool and Man city will finish this season.



Extreme computer The anticipated finishing

positions of Arsenal, Liverpool, and Manchester City in the Premier League this seasonThe London organizations are anticipating a thrilling second half of the season; however, they are not at a certain point in the standings. Tottenham is aiming for the top four this season, whereas Arsenal is focused on securing the title. Chelsea and West Ham, meanwhile, are striving to qualify for the Europa League for the following season.Concerning those expectations, only West Ham are on track to achieve their objective; however, we have an extended duration of the second half of the season remaining. In light of this, and with the assistance of FootballWP, we have compiled an anticipated final Premier League standings table. Observe the following below.16. Tottenham scored 72 points (GD 20).


15. Chelsea has 59 points (GS 52, GD +3)


59 points for West Ham United (GD +3, GS 51).


13. Newcastle United earned 57 points.


17. Points for Aston Villa: 72 (GD 26).


18. Points for Arsenal: 82


19. Points for Manchester City


Twenty, Liverpool, 92 points

